Volunteer to Make a Difference!
VOLUNTEERING is a great way to:
- Make friends with other trail visitors.
- Improve the environment.
- Show your love of York County’s “green spaces.’
- Be rewarded with fresh air, sunshine, and exercise.

York County Rail Trail Authority announces the following volunteer opportunities:
- Gardener Weeding, mulching and general maintenance of a small garden area at the entrance to the Jackson Township parking lot of the Hanover Trolley Trail. During growing season only.
- Trail Inspector Conduct monthly inspections of a new 0.3-mile section of trail in Spring Grove and complete a written, check list reporting the conditions of the trail and its structures such as gates, fencing, signage, etc. Training and the check list are provided. Report is emailed each month to the Rail Trail Authority for staff to plan for any needed repairs.
- Pumpkin Walk Volunteers are needed to help in many areas for the October 22, 2022 event. Set up assistance includes decorating the pathway; unloading and placing pumpkins; setting up tents, tables, signs, other equipment. Event assistance includes working at the gates to collect donations, directing cars in parking lots, serving refreshments. Clean-up assistance includes removing pumpkins; taking down tents, tables, signs, and equipment; litter pick-up.